这个水墨动画是2010年新媒体本科的毕业作品,指导老师是张培力老师,张老师给了我很多重要的指导。我在创作的最初阶段还是想表现一种梦境边界与清 醒状态边界的感觉。学习中国画是我童年喜欢画画这个事情的重要阶段,反复的训练让这样的媒介成为我视觉和身体的一种记忆,包括后来发现深入研究影子,也与国画的意象相关。创作时期十分迷恋《黑客帝国》,不单单是里面的酷炫的概念,更重要的是里面所涉及到的一系列关于母体的概念,还有那些纠缠不清的关于感 官信息嫁接的遐想。我也没想到这部动画也成为了我以后创作的“母体”,人的五官形像变成了可以研究把玩的一种手段。
2016年1月 杭州
This ink painting animation is my graduation work for my B.A in the new media department in 2010. Zhang Peili is my advisor and he gave me many important suggestions. In the initial stage, I wanted to focus on the borderline between the dreaming and waking state. Learning Chinese classical painting is a very important reason for me to love painting. Repetitive practice make ink painting a part of my visual and bodily memories. My later research into shadows is also related to the aesthetics of Chinese classical painting. I was obsessed with The Matrix, not only with its cool concepts, but more particularly with the idea of matrix and those imaginations related to sensory information. This animation, surprisingly, becomes the matrix of my later creation, with five sense organs being possible exploratory areas.
“Talking in the Dream”
I forget when I begging to love the dream.You could not
tell me what I saw in the dream or what is real there.Since
I don’t know I have a habit of memorize dreams.I begging to
distrust in the real world around me.
I use human’s five sense organs as protagonists,traditional
Chinese ink,coordinated with shooting technism and created
an animation.
2013年 第二届中国独立动画电影论坛活动展映单元
2010年 千里之行-全国重点美术院校优秀毕业生作品展
2014年 首届长三角微电影大赛故事片类优秀奖
2013年 深圳独立动画双年展“独立动画创新奖”