机械蝴蝶|Mechanical Butterfly


I begin to be interested in the image of butterfly when I was in new media department for my undergrad. My first work is to create the image of a butterfly made of two ears, sitting on the window. It was exhibited in WhoHouse space on Fuxing road. I make a 3D animation video, which was projected onto the window. When I finished this work, I want to make a mechanical butterly, the kind that can fly. But I don’t know how.
图注:呓语2009年 展览:茶话会 空间:杭州复兴大院谁房子空间


In 2010, I adapt the image of butterfly into dreamscape and five sense organs. In 2012,I had a chance to do a young artist project in A4 contemporary art center in Chengdu. It is the first time that I am able to show my work in a larger scale. I began to experiment with mechanization of butterfly. In the A4 exhibition, I took apart small clocks and re-assembles them into images of assemblage of insects. The shadows of these “time-insects” are the images of butterflies.


2012 butterfly adapted from mechanical clocks
图注:2012年机械蝴蝶1.0 展览:2012年青年艺术家实验季 空间:成都A4当代艺术中心

2012 mechanical butterfly 1.0 exhibition, 2012 Young Artist Experimental Season, A4 Contemporary Art Center, Chengdu


I graduated from the institute in 2013 and was completely free in creating. I want to continue working on mechanical butterflies, especially its movement. So I stared to experiment in making small size mechanical installations despite professional specialties.


图注:机械蝴蝶1.1版 2013年  展览:感官之外  空间:杭州清影当代艺术空间

Mechanical Butterfly 1.1, Beyond Senses, Inna Contemporary Art Space, Hangzhou, 2013


图注:机械蝴蝶2.0版 2013年

Mechanical Butterfly 2.0, 2013.


There arises a series of problems during the process of making mechanical butterfly move, especially from the theoretical movement to real models. Most of them were due to my lack of knowledge in mechanical engineering. It took a long time to try different versions. During most of the time of the summer 2014, I was experimenting revising the butterflies, yet most of them could not move. Sometimes I thought to myself that I could use all those time to make many conceptual works. it is way more efficient and probably will bring me more feelings of satisfaction. Also, it is not suggested in the arts to be obsessive about technology. Instead, one should be always cautious about technology. But there are some thing unexplainable attracting me. I believe that a long time basic practice will bring the power to transform the normal to miracles.


图注:机械蝴蝶3.0版  2014年

mechanical butterfly 3.0, 2014


图注:机械蝴蝶4.0版 2014年


图注:机械蝴蝶5.0版  2014年


图注:机械蝴蝶7.0版  2014年


图注:机械蝴蝶8.0版  2014年


In early 2015, I was honored to participate in an exhibition Perhaps curated by my MA mentor and artist Geng Jianyi. It was a rare change for me to show what I had been working on. I submitted my mechanical butterfly proposal and received very helpful suggestions for revision from Geng Jianyi. I made about 100 butterflies for this exhibition. It was an unforgettable experience for me.


图注:呓语-机械蝴蝶9.0版  2015年   展览:大概三人展 空间:上海仁庐


As a key can unlock adjoining spaces and connect different dimensions, key-butterflies’ movements are studied to probe space-time dimensions.


呓语-机械蝴蝶9.1  2015年




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