沉睡于大海Sleeping in the Ocean

沉睡于大海的创作于2015年8月底完成。底座是一种名字叫做爵士白的大理石所制作,鼻子部分是玻璃钢喷漆。设计鼻子型态的 时候和大熊(我雕塑系的同学,鼻子部分的稿子也是他来帮我的)讨论,想让它有点像古典的山脉又有点像睡在在大海里刚好漏出水面的鼻子,于是经过几番的修 改,定下现在的这个型态。生长出来的部分是手工弯曲的黄铜管加上3D打印的部件链接到鼻子外侧。因为涉及到鼻子内部的播放芯片和外端小显示器的链接,穿信 号线和调整姿态是一个很漫长的过程。显示屏外壳就是定制好的亚克立盒子,其实一开始并不是亚克力的盒子,在实验和构想的过程中,作品型态和实现方案一直在 改变。

sleeping in the ocean is completed by the end of August, 2015. The base is made of Volakas, a kind of marble. The nose is made of FRP (fiber-reinforced plastic) with spray paint. When I design the shape of the nose, I discussed with Da Xiong (my friend from the sculpture department who also helped me with designing the sketch of the nose) that I wanted it to be like mountains in classical Chinese painting and also like a sleeping nose that half-emerged from the ocean. After a few revisions, we decided on current model. The part that grows out of nostril is hand curved copper with 3D printed objects. Because it concerns the connections between chips inside of the nostril and acrylic box, it was a long process threading the signal wire and adjusting the copper threads. The acrylic box was not the initial idea. The shape of the work and the work plan keeps changing during the process of experimentation.


image: sleep in the ocean (photo taken in artist studio)




my initial idea is to use glass bubbles to imitate snoring. Inside of glass bubbles, I put some electromagnetic powder, the rhythmic patter of which changes to the electromagnetic signals. However, there were many problems during experimentation. For example, I couldn’t find an electromagnetic small enough to fit inside of the bubble and with enough power to attract the electromagnetic powder. Also it is difficult to make the glass bubble as I designed. Either no factory is willing to make them due to the small quantity, or there is no proper workshop and material to use. I have tried to change already made glass bubbles, to use

图注:沉睡于大海草图 2015



I also thought about using changing lights to create rhythm, similar to the blinking lights data was read on the hard drive. However, after some consideration, it still fails to get close to what I want.


when the work is almost completed, there were problems with the tiny screens. I have to check every route but couldn’t find the problem. I thought I might not be able to complete this work. eventually, I realize it is because the inside space of the nose has bad heat radiating effect. I planted radiation fin and a base. The work is finaly finished.


沉睡于大海(上海K11 ART CITY 2015)
沉睡于大海(上海K11 ART CITY 2015)


The process of making Sleep in the Ocean contains many difficulties, just like the process of thinking fermenting under the ocean. The final form and expression of the work may vary largely from my original idea. However, for me, the most important is the challenging and stimulating process of fermenting.


material: marble, FRP, acrylic, copper, mini screen, chips.






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