Shadow generator:
In 2011-2012 I was on an exchange program studying in Zurich University of the Arts. There was a very interesting course participated by people from different majors. This was a course about the public space in the bus station in Zurich. Zurich has great sunlight. While I brainstormed with the professor and my classmates, I decided on focusing on the element of shadows. To start, I collected different shadow materials, all based on my instinct. I made two works related to shadows. In one of them, I created a program to analyze the data from the camera and transformed the shadows to a playable instrument to play in the street. In another work, I recorded the changing shadows in the bus station, and make a video with them. It took longer time to make the second one. In the process of videotaping shadows, my interest in shadows increases. It was like opening a door to another world, where people live in a two-dimensional work, without colors and three dimensions.

Shadow is elusive, visible yet untouchable. It is dependent on lights. I eagerly wanted to know how it comes to be, why it is vague sometimes yet clear at other times, and how does it changes colors. I began to explore shadows. During this period of time, I didn’t really make other works but working on making tools to study shadows.

2012年,研究生毕业创作,作品就是最初的影子发生器,这个其实还是一个研究影子的机器,因为它有一部分的功能还是在帮助我搞清楚一些还不明白的规律。 我做了一个大型的支架,上面放置了链接电脑的主机,主机里面是各种的电路和控制器转换器,外面链接各种亮度的灯光,链接灯光的支架有上下伸缩的功能,也受 控制于电脑。光线的运动与变化直接影响着参观者的影子生成,我当时希望能更多地开发影子的表达力。
In 2012, for my M.A graduation work, I made the first version of shadow generator. It was a machine that studied shadows; its major function is to help me to understand how shadow originates and works. I made a big bracket and on it I placed … the movement and changes of the lights directly affect visitors’ shadows. At that time, I want to explore more into the expressivity of shadows.

大型的影子发生器之后,我狠了点心,找到了专门定制电路版的厂家制作了迷你电路,和制作机械的地方,把原来3米*1.5米的控制器缩小成了直径为60cm 的这个三层蛋糕。但是在这个过程中消耗的时间实在太太太长,整整有半年多的时间在等待上,效果没有预想的好,当中有很多我想法不成熟的问题,同时我认识到 艺术的制作必需尽可能的由艺术家自己来完成,控制力和手的感受力都交给它者完成的作品,我认为是没有太多情感的。

While I was making this shadow controller in 2014, I forced myself to solve all problems. It took a long time, but I was happy because I could regain more control over the machine. In this version, I got rid of unnecessary control on the machine controller, increased its output power, and changed the outlooks. Currently, I am still exploring more possibilities with the shadow generator.

In 2012, I discovered shadow while studying dreams, so I did a series of research on shadows and made some work. The shadow generator series is a machine that can break up shadows, deconstruct and reassemble them. It controls the emotions of shadows, like writing our dreams in real-time. Shadow around us is like a growing dream, a collective dream.